Tuesday, July 19, 2011



Je komt wat brengen
We hebben wat te delen, te geven en mee te nemen
We mochten ervaren....
We reflecteren en komen tot de ontdekking.....

Dat alles wat we kwamen brengen goed is aangekomen
Speels, open en vrij, vanuit liefde oprecht gegeven
Wij danken alle deelnemers voor deze onvergetelijke en wonderbaarlijke ervaring
De ervaring


We came to bring something
We all have something to share, give, and to take
We were able to experience......
We reflect and realize.....

That everything that we came to bring has touched base
Playful, open and free and given from true love
We thank all the participants for this unforgettable and Remarkable experience
The experience

We are back in the Netherlands. Please stay connected for more information about our upcoming fundraising event.

Peggy-Jane & Karel

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Remarkable Dream Value(c)

Having spent time in India we now are ready to apply all the lessons to our day to day lives. There is so much correlation between what is happening in this pressure cooker and in a business environment.

Observation – Create Remarkable Dream Value

The participants at IISE all had their own struggles in their lives, which did not withhold them from stepping up to the plate and make a change. They came to India from 16 different countries to learn how to convert their dream to action. With all participants it is the intrinsic motivation, the passion for their cause that drives them to great heights. It is not about them, not their ego, they truly are here for a higher purpose.

What if we apply that to business? We believe that if people start working from their dream, their own passion, and apply that to the work they are doing, great things can happen. A lot of times business planning cycles and strategy sessions start with a SWOT analysis, a high level strategy, but often lacks one critical thing. The connection to the dreams and passion of the people who have to implement the strategy. Our Remarkable process focuses on just that. We know…. Dreaming sounds vague…. But wasn’t there someone in history that started his speech with “I have a dream”? And look what happened. If we allow ourselves to dream, turn the dreams into actions, we can create value. Social and economic value. We call it Remarkable Dream Value© (RDV).

Observation – Focus on the higher goal

We had to let go of a lot of our assumptions, adjust our plans, and allow ourselves to just go with the lessons we were offered each day. Sometimes we did hit a rough patch, but by keeping our focus on the end game, and the higher goal of us being here, we kept the energy flowing.

In business we often find that we tend to get lost in the details. We start with a plan. Make a detailed project description, and assign roles and responsibilities. Everyone knows exactly what to do, and believes he or she exists because of the role he or she needs to play. But what if things works out differently? We get confused. Roles are often changed, and ego’s start to play up. If we focus on our higher goals that are bigger than ourselves, that is when machine really starts to run.

Observation – Stay true to yourself

Did you ever sit in a presentation and had your mind wandering off? That is what happens when the presenter does not reach you. That is definitely not the case in the sessions we have witnessed here in Kerala. The people we were blessed to work with had stories about the challenges they faced in life. And by helping them present their stories in a way that they stay close to their authentic self, the messages came alive. It is really amazing what happens if a presentation is coming straight from the heart.

Our lesson when we started to think about this is simple. If you have to present something, make sure to embrace the story with all your heart. When the story is coming from your authentic self, it is guaranteed to reach your audience. Stay true to yourself.

Peggy-Jane & Karel

Monday, July 4, 2011


Op reis
Ver weg
Op reis naar huis
Een reis naar binnen naar mijn eigen ik
Een reis naar binnen en dan weer terug
Ik heb mijn bodem gevonden
Kan nu staan en voel de grond
Zacht en warm is de aarde, zacht en warm zoals ze onder mijn voeten voelt
Het kriebelt tussen mijn tenen, ik moet lachen met een kleine traan
Ik ben op reis, ver weg...
Een reis naar binnen en dan weer terug
Ik heb hier ook een thuis gevonden waar ik mijzelf vinden kan
Diep geraakt en vol tederheid, vouw ik mijn handen samen
Is het woord waar ze in India elkaar mee begroeten
Ik ga je straks verlaten
Ga op reis
Ver weg
Op reis, terug naar huis
En ook daar zal ik je vinden
Op reis
Ver weg
Op reis naar binnen, naar mijn eigen ik

Sluit ik in stilte nu mijn ogen

(English translation)


I am on a journey
Far away
On a journey to my home
On a journey to my inner self, and back again
I have found ground underneath my feet
I can finally stand and feel the ground
Soft and warm is the earth
Soft and warm she feels while she tickles my feet
I can feel the sand rubbing through my toes 
She makes me laugh with a single tear
On a journey
Far away...
A journey to my inner self and back again
I have found a place which I can also call my home
Deeply touched with love and tenderness I slowly fold my hands
I have to leave soon
I am going on a journey
On a journey that will bring me back home
It is there where I will find you
On a journey far away
On a journey to my authentic self

And in silence I close my eyes

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dream carefully

The last weeks flew by, and now that our last sessions are near, sad feelings surround our bodies and we try to focus on that what is and not on that what is yet to come.... A challenge on it self. The thought of leaving comes hard and makes our energy heavy and hard to carry. Therefore we challenge our mind to be focused on that what we still can do, and try to enjoy and embrace all the moments we are receiving.

Working in private sessions with the participants has made our connections even closer and with each of them we have connected in our own way.
They have stolen our hearts and gave us the ground to plant a Remarkable seed of connection. All their stories are so inspiring, the willingness to take all the sessions in, and be there with such an open mind and sparkling energy.
All what we have felt and experienced is hard to explain in words.

Our journey started with a single dream, and we dreamed big, and see where it took us.  It took us to India, Kerala "Gods own Country". 
What a great place to start.....
Working with 18 beautiful people from 16 nationalities.
So dream carefully; one participant said:
"With care and fully"
Be careful what you wish for, because it might be your reality soon.

Words do not even come close to what we feel.
We invite you to our journey through pictures and this beautiful song, which was given to us by one of the participants.

Peggy-Jane & Karel